#careers, Grow_with_Google_Nanodegree, slack,
** Margarita FEND [Jan 4th at 4:59 PM] I'm looking at the practice test question, this syntax looks so strange. Are folks familiar with it? Untitled process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); var util = require('util'); var input = ""; process.stdin.on('data', function (text) { input += text; }); process.stdin.on('end', function () { //do your processing here. console.log(input); }); Collapse 10 replies Margarita FEND [2 months ago] actually, just realized HackerRank also structures this the same way...trying to figure it out... Carlos F. [FEND] [2 months ago] It's using Node Carlos F. [FEND] [2 months ago] And yeah, it's just like Hackerrank's structure where they set up the receiving and processing of input values Margarita FEND [2 months ago] Thanks @Carlos F. [FEND] should I try to learn Node on HackerRank or is there a better place? Carlos F. [FEND] [2 months ago] ...