** ** List and Membership Operators There are three videos as a part of this page. Be sure to check them out along with the additional helpful reminders! Lists! Data structures are containers that organize and group data types together in different ways. A list is one of the most common and basic data structures in Python. You saw here that you can create a list with square brackets. Lists can contain any mix and match of the data types you have seen so far. list_of_random_things = [ 1 , 3.4 , 'a string' , True ] This is a list of 4 elements. All ordered containers (like lists) are indexed in python using a starting index of 0. Therefore, to pull the first value from the above list, we can write: >>> list_of_random_things[ 0 ] 1 It might seem like you can pull the last element with the following code, but this actually won't work: >>> list_of_random_things[len(list_of_random_things)] ---...
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