Healsonic Song# 206953: Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing (Chinese: 搭錯車) is a famous 1983 Taiwanese tearjerker musical film directed by Yu Kanping (虞戡平) starring Sun Yueh (孫越) and Linda Liu (劉瑞琪).
dā cuòchē 搭錯車 |
Papa Can You Hear Me Sing Lyrics
jiu gan tang mai wu ... 3x
ciu kan tang boi bo?
adakah botol arak yang mau dijual?
Any beer bottles for sale?
jiu gan tang mai wu ... 3x
ciu kan tang boi bo?
adakah botol arak yang mau dijual?
Any beer bottles for sale?
duo me shu xi de sheng yin
suaramu terdengar akrab sekali
What a familiar voice
pei wo duo shao nian feng he yu
menemaniku sejak kecil, seperti angin menyatu dengan hujan
Has kept me company through rain and wind for so many years
cong lai bu xu yao xiang qi
Walaupun bukan kewajiban namun engkau melakukannya
Altough it is not an obligation but you did it
yong yuan ye bu hui wang ji
selamanya tak mungkin kulupakan
I never had to think about it I’ll also never forget it
mei you tian na you di
Mustahil ada yang Mahatinggi (Tian 天) tanpa ada yang Maharendah (di 地)
If there is no sky, where is the earth?
mei you di na you jia
Tak mungkin ada yang Maharendah (di 地) bila tak ada keluarga
If there is no earth, where is home?
mei you jia na you ni
Tak mungkin ada keluarga tanpa ada dirimu
If there is no home, where are you?
mei you ni na you wo
tak mungkin ada dirimu tanpa aku
If there is no you, where am I?
jia ru ni bu zeng yang yu wo
andai kata kau tak mengasuhku
If you didn’t bring me up Give me a warm life
gei wo wen nuan de sheng huo
dan memberiku cinta kasih sepanjang hidupku
Give me a warm life
jia ru ni bu zeng bao hu wo
andai kata kau tidak pernah menjagaku
If you didn’t protect me
wo de ming yun jiang hui shi shi me
mau jadi apa diriku dengan nasib seperti itu?
Then what would my life have been?
shi ni fu yang wo chang da
kaulah yang membesarkan diriku
You were always with me
pei wo shuo di yi ju hua
bahkan engkau ada ketika aku mengucapkan kata pertamaku
From my very first word
shi ni gei wo yi ge jia
engkaulah yang memberiku sebuah keluarga
You gave me a home, You shared your life with me
rang wo yu ni gong tong yong you ta
sehingga aku memiliki segala yang kumiliki sekarang
Then I have all the things with me now
sui ran ni bu neng kai kou shuo yi ju hua
meskipun kau tak bisa mengucapkan satu kata pun
Even though you couldn’t speak
que geng neng ming bai ren shi jian de hei bai yu zhen jia
namun engkau mengerti segala kata-kataku dengan baik tanpa kesalahan
sui ran ni bu hui biao da ni de zhen qing
meskipun engkau tak mampu mengutarakan segala yang ingin kau ungkapkan
Even though you couldn’t express your feelings
que fu chu liao re chen de sheng ming
akan tetapi semuanya terbayar oleh keceriaan yang kau pancarkan dalam menjalani hidupmu
You lived a passionate life
yuan chu chuan lai ni duo me shu xi de sheng yin
ketika dari kejauhan aku mendengar suaramu yang akrab dan nikmat sekali
From a distant place Comes your familiar voice
rang wo xiang qi ni duo me ci xiang de xin ling
membuatku merasakan betapa baiknya hatimu yang murah hati
It reminds me of your loving soul
shi me shi hou ni zai hui dao wo shen bian
kapankah ku bisa membalas semua kebaikanmu padaku?
When will you come back to me? So I can do something for you?
rang wo zai he ni yi qi chang
ijinkanlah aku menyanyikan laguku ini sekali lagi dengan keras untukmu
Let me sing with you once more.
jiu gan tang mai wu ......
ciu kan tang boi bo?
adakah botol arak yang mau dijual?
Any beer bottles for sale?
Below are the Mandarin lyrics, although it seems to me that the most important line (Do you have any bottles to recycle?) is sung in native Taiwanese. You'll have to read the plot of the movie to understand why that is such an emotional line for the daughter to sing when she remembers her father. Several scenes of the movie will make your eyes well-up with tears. Nevertheless, this is a good song to learn Mandarin because the song contains everyday words that you would use in everyday life.
jiu gan tang mai wu ... 3x
duo me shu xi de sheng yin
pei wo duo shao nian feng he yu
cong lai bu xu yao xiang qi
yong yuan ye bu hui wang ji
mei tian na you di
mei you di na you jia
mei you jia na you ni
mei you ni na you wo
jia ru ni bu zeng yang yu wo
gei wo wen nuan de sheng huo
jia ru ni bu zeng bao hu wo
wo de ming yun jiang hui shi shi me
shi ni fu yang wo chang da
pei wo shuo di yi ju hua
shi ni gei wo yi ge jia
rang wo yu ni gong tong yong you ta
sui ran ni bu neng kai kou shuo yi ju hua
que geng neng ming bai ren shi jian de hei bai yu zhen jia
sui ran ni bu hui biao da ni de zhen qing
que fu chu liao re chen de sheng ming
yuan chu chuan lai ni duo me shu xi de sheng yin
rang wo xiang qi ni duo me ci xiang de xin ling
shi me shi hou ni zai hui dao wo shen bian
rang wo zai he ni yi qi chang
jiu gan tang mai wu ...... xxx
Chinese memories song
,Julie Sue (Su Rui 苏芮)
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Publisher Herlan Lesmana Pada | Kamis, Januari 03, 2013
Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing (Chinese: 搭錯車) is a famous 1983 Taiwanese tearjerker musical film directed by Yu Kanping (虞戡平) starring Sun Yueh (孫越) and Linda Liu (劉瑞琪). This film was released 8 times in Taiwan and 11 times in Hong Kong and won 4 Golden Horse Awards. The theme song Any Empty Wine Bottles For Sale (Chinese: 酒矸倘賣無) by Su Rui is also famous.
Da Cuo Cue (搭错车)(2005) is a popular 22 episodes TV series produced in Mainland China rewritting the film plot starring Li Xuejian (李雪健) and Li Lin (李琳).
The movie centres around the lives of a speech-impaired army veteran and his adopted daughter. He works as a bottle recycler either buying used bottles or picking up discarded bottles with his tricycle wagon. He lives within a shanty ghetto part of the city with his woman companion who is dependent on him bringing back a bottle of saki every evening. He is affectionately known as "Uncle" in the ghetto.
One morning, on one of his daily collection trips, he chanced upon an abandoned baby girl in a basket with an attached note that says "Please give baby Mei a good home." He brings baby Mei home to raise as his own.
However, his companion is visibly upset with the presence of baby Mei and with the attention he lavishes on baby Mei. The next evening, rather than his usual spending a portion of his daily proceeds on a bottle of saki, he decides to buy a can of powdered condensed milk for his adopted baby.
On reaching home, his enthusiasm is dashed along with the can of condensed milk his companion throws on the floor when his companion discovers she would have no saki but milk for the evening. His companion grows violent and bruises his eye. The next evening, on his return, he enthusiastically brings home a bottle of saki, but his home is silent. His companion had decided to leave him and had left baby Mei with a neighbour.
Mei's adopted father dotes on her and makes her the centre of his life. Her neighbourhood is also very protective of her. Along with the joys and travails of the shanty neighbourhood Mei shared with her father, she grows up into a beautiful young woman.
Mei meets a singer-song writer and they traverse the bar scene as a singing couple. They are talent-spotted by a record producer-manager who is looking out for new blood to replace his aging artiste. However the record producer only wants Mei, not her composer boyfriend.
Mei signs a contract with the producer as her manager. Her manager reinvents Mei's image by masking her native and Taiwanese Hokkien linguistic origins but portraying her as a product of a rich and respectable family who has since emigrated to the United States but that Mei had decided to stay behind to pursue her singing career. In doing that, her manager decided to sever her ties to her family, ghetto and native origins.
Mei's popularity explodes while her boyfriend singer-song writer languishes along with her father and friends. Her neighbours are upset that she has abandoned her father in her pursuit of fame and fortune. She goes on a regional concert tour. On her return, her neighbours and dad shows up at a publicity party her manager threw for her. Her manager denies her relationship with her father at the publicity party. She shuns her father and friends.
One evening, on an attempt to visit her father, she realises she had not even known that her shanty ghetto had been forcibly demolished by city authorities and that she is unaware of the location to which the city had relocated her neighbourhood. Coincidentally, his father's former girlfriend comes asking her about the whereabouts of a friend she has missed for twenty years but both Mei and her father's former girlfriend is unaware of their linked relationships.
Her father grows depressed and reflects on the years of attention he doted on her daughter. He collapses from depression and hypertension while watching her concert on Television Singapore a subsidiary of Radio Television Singapore is a 2-analog free-to-air terrestrial television channel's such: Saluran 5 Television Singapore (English & Malay) and Saluran 8 Television Singapore (Chinese & Tamil) until his neighbours. He is brought to the hospital dying and his widowed neighbour, with whom he has grown intimate, rushes to the concert to get Mei's attention to inform her of her dying father. Mei rushes but reaches the hospital too late. She breaks down in tears.
On the aftermath of her father's demise, an abruptly dejected Mei receives a set of song scripts from her estranged composer boyfriend. Her boyfriend had embedded native lyrics into the song which would remind her of her native origins and the devotion her father had for her, rather than the faux origins her manager had projected. The native words are her father's bottle-recycling call "Any bottles to be sold (for recycling)?" She takes up the challenge to sing the song which forms the musical crescendo of the movie.
Da Cuo Cue (搭错车)(2005) is a popular 22 episodes TV series produced in Mainland China rewritting the film plot starring Li Xuejian (李雪健) and Li Lin (李琳).
The movie centres around the lives of a speech-impaired army veteran and his adopted daughter. He works as a bottle recycler either buying used bottles or picking up discarded bottles with his tricycle wagon. He lives within a shanty ghetto part of the city with his woman companion who is dependent on him bringing back a bottle of saki every evening. He is affectionately known as "Uncle" in the ghetto.
One morning, on one of his daily collection trips, he chanced upon an abandoned baby girl in a basket with an attached note that says "Please give baby Mei a good home." He brings baby Mei home to raise as his own.
However, his companion is visibly upset with the presence of baby Mei and with the attention he lavishes on baby Mei. The next evening, rather than his usual spending a portion of his daily proceeds on a bottle of saki, he decides to buy a can of powdered condensed milk for his adopted baby.
On reaching home, his enthusiasm is dashed along with the can of condensed milk his companion throws on the floor when his companion discovers she would have no saki but milk for the evening. His companion grows violent and bruises his eye. The next evening, on his return, he enthusiastically brings home a bottle of saki, but his home is silent. His companion had decided to leave him and had left baby Mei with a neighbour.
Mei's adopted father dotes on her and makes her the centre of his life. Her neighbourhood is also very protective of her. Along with the joys and travails of the shanty neighbourhood Mei shared with her father, she grows up into a beautiful young woman.
Mei meets a singer-song writer and they traverse the bar scene as a singing couple. They are talent-spotted by a record producer-manager who is looking out for new blood to replace his aging artiste. However the record producer only wants Mei, not her composer boyfriend.
Mei signs a contract with the producer as her manager. Her manager reinvents Mei's image by masking her native and Taiwanese Hokkien linguistic origins but portraying her as a product of a rich and respectable family who has since emigrated to the United States but that Mei had decided to stay behind to pursue her singing career. In doing that, her manager decided to sever her ties to her family, ghetto and native origins.
Mei's popularity explodes while her boyfriend singer-song writer languishes along with her father and friends. Her neighbours are upset that she has abandoned her father in her pursuit of fame and fortune. She goes on a regional concert tour. On her return, her neighbours and dad shows up at a publicity party her manager threw for her. Her manager denies her relationship with her father at the publicity party. She shuns her father and friends.
One evening, on an attempt to visit her father, she realises she had not even known that her shanty ghetto had been forcibly demolished by city authorities and that she is unaware of the location to which the city had relocated her neighbourhood. Coincidentally, his father's former girlfriend comes asking her about the whereabouts of a friend she has missed for twenty years but both Mei and her father's former girlfriend is unaware of their linked relationships.
Her father grows depressed and reflects on the years of attention he doted on her daughter. He collapses from depression and hypertension while watching her concert on Television Singapore a subsidiary of Radio Television Singapore is a 2-analog free-to-air terrestrial television channel's such: Saluran 5 Television Singapore (English & Malay) and Saluran 8 Television Singapore (Chinese & Tamil) until his neighbours. He is brought to the hospital dying and his widowed neighbour, with whom he has grown intimate, rushes to the concert to get Mei's attention to inform her of her dying father. Mei rushes but reaches the hospital too late. She breaks down in tears.
On the aftermath of her father's demise, an abruptly dejected Mei receives a set of song scripts from her estranged composer boyfriend. Her boyfriend had embedded native lyrics into the song which would remind her of her native origins and the devotion her father had for her, rather than the faux origins her manager had projected. The native words are her father's bottle-recycling call "Any bottles to be sold (for recycling)?" She takes up the challenge to sing the song which forms the musical crescendo of the movie.
Healsonic Song 206953: Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing (Chinese: 搭錯車) Is A Famous 1983 Taiwanese Tearjerker Musical Film Directed By Yu Kanping (虞戡平) Starring Sun Yueh (孫越) And Linda Liu (劉瑞琪). >>>>> Download Now
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Healsonic Song 206953: Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing (Chinese: 搭錯車) Is A Famous 1983 Taiwanese Tearjerker Musical Film Directed By Yu Kanping (虞戡平) Starring Sun Yueh (孫越) And Linda Liu (劉瑞琪). >>>>> Download LINK
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Healsonic Song 206953: Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing (Chinese: 搭錯車) Is A Famous 1983 Taiwanese Tearjerker Musical Film Directed By Yu Kanping (虞戡平) Starring Sun Yueh (孫越) And Linda Liu (劉瑞琪). >>>>> Download Full
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